Selectively composing classes with constexpr functions, SFINAE, and parameter-pack driven private-inheritance in C++17 (Part 1)

This blog post was inspired by a use-case I encountered in an open source project where the developers wanted to offer different functionality depending on whether the product being offered was an enterprise offering versus a community offering. Under normal circumstances, preprocessor defines were used to separate functionality. However, when certain combinations of behavior were…

By Pavan Tumati January 4, 2020 0

Informal Latency Benchmark for Redis GET/SET using redis_cpp

(From the half-baked-benchmarking-department in conjunction with the I-should-stash-the-results somewhere department…) Benchmarking is serious business on the internet — you don’t want to misrepresent anyone and their hard work on any given product.  That having been said, sometimes I just want ballpark values for a “lazy” estimate on what kind of numbers I’d get with a crude…

By Pavan Tumati April 7, 2018 0

ObjectMutator.js: Generating All (or some subset) of Combinations an Object at the Property (or Key/Value pair) Level

Greetings, internet.  I’m in the middle of a project moving some old Qt stuff to the browser (using Javascript and React.js.)  The project isn’t all that exciting, but sometimes even the most boring projects can turn into delightful programming games and yield insights on where to increase productivity.  Case in point:  how a language’s type…

By Pavan Tumati December 2, 2017 0

My First Experience with Server-Side Swift (using Perfect from – Part 1

  Motivations Most of the work I take on involves languages like C++, Swift, or Objective-C and is not typically web based.  While I’m normally nestled comfortably in the embrace of C++ template meta-programming or the warm walls of an operating system kernel, even I can sense the uncivilized barbarians at the gate (Javascript) and…

By Pavan Tumati November 1, 2017 0

Understanding How Bitcoin Works

Long time, no update. 🙂 It’s difficult to produce quality content, which is why I was very impressed with the person who made this particular video:     Understanding how Bitcoin works can be difficult, but this particular video is exceptional in breaking the concepts down and connecting them together. I consider it another “must-see”…

By Pavan Tumati September 28, 2013 Off

Using Matplotlib to get XKCD-style Plots

This past week, I found another developer blog where a post caught my attention: Pythonic Perambulations.  More specifically, it was this post regarding presenting data in an “xkcd” style.  I figured I’d give this blog post some inbound link props because I found the content both useful and amusing.  The author seems to have gotten…

By Pavan Tumati June 29, 2013 Off